Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesday Making

Today is bread making day. Not bread baking day because I will not actually be baking until 18-24 hours from now. These loaves were a product of my last baking day. Don't they look pretty? Well they were, but they didn't taste as good as they looked. Don't get me wrong, they weren't bad, they just weren't great. So today I am on a quest to create a loaf of bread that is as tasty as it is beautiful. I am going to try the no-knead cast iron dutch oven baked recipe that's supposed to give you all the flavor of an artisan bread with the beautiful holes that make a lovely crumb and with the crisp crust of a baguette. My last attempt with this recipe created a bread with a very good flavor, but for some reason I decided to take it out of the oven prematurely. It was unevenly browned and decidedly ugly and I should have stuck it back in the oven but before I could it was torn apart, half eaten, and given a grunt of approval by the Hungry Bear with whom I choose to share my home! It never had a chance so here we go again.

Love you Hungry Bear.

To get the recipe check out Real Baking with Rose or click here http://www.realbakingwithrose.com/2006/11/holy_bread.html


Thomas Paup, Jr. said...

I love your site. Can I join the Farm?

Flavor Farm Girl said...

The only way to join the farm is to buy the cow!